(832) 285-2229
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(832) 285-2229
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Rent Storage
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Facility Pictures & Map
Facility Policies
(832) 285-2229
Make a Payment/Login
Rent Storage
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Facility Pictures & Map
Facility Policies
Facility Policies
Policies :
Facility owner dosen't insure tenant's goods. Insurance is the sole responsibility of the tenants.
All non-motorized vehicles are required to have wheel chocks surrounding vehicle wheels while stored at the facility.
Gate access code is exclusively for tenant use.
Loitering & living in RV's or trailers is prohibited at this storage facility.
Smoking & the use of alcohol is prohibited at this storage facility.
No reckless driving.
Prohibited Items:
Flammables of any kind (gas, diesel, kerosene, oil, paint, etc.)
Drugs or drug paraphernalia
Stolen items
Hazardous items of any kind
Hazardous waste materials of any kind
Items that produce odors of any kind
Any item which detrimentally affects other tenants or the facility
Items deemed inappropraite by facility staff